Already 2,000+ attendees from

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The 2 day conference is gathering 2,000+ worldwide API experts around the latest API, Microservices and Containers technologies to enable the digital society and business transformations.
APIDays is the leading industry tech and business series of conferences in APIs and the programmable economy.

10,500+ past attendees

35 events

1,200 speakers

11 countries
#REST #GraphQL #gRPC #OAI #Serverless #Kafka #Kubernetes #Docker #OAuth #OpenIDConnect #JWT #MFA
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Day 1 - The new API Stack
With the needs of high speed, high growth and high scalability required by Cloud and Mobile technologies, APIs and Microservices have evolved tremendously. IT and business managers need to understand what this means in order to face the challenges of the digital transformation and achieve a successful transition.
On the business side, new concepts like API governance, Developer experience and API-as-a-product have enabled companies like Stripe and Twilio to reach $9.2B and $5B in valuation.
On the regulatory front, the EU Commission and many governments worldwide are forcing banks to open APIs and create innovative ecosystems, with, for instance, the Payment Service Directive 2 (PSD2).
On the technical side, recent concepts like API-first architectures, microservices, Service Mesh and Zero trust security, powered by technologies like Docker, Kubernetes, GraphQL, Kafka, OpenId connect and API gateways enable the migration from legacy software to more agile systems, the deployment of software on any cloud in a safe and controlled environment.
Day 2 - The challenges of the programmable economy
APIs are the digital contract of the 21st century, enabling us to enter into a programmable economy, a world where IT systems are able to discover themselves and integrate with each other without any human interaction.
Is it up to humans to adapt to softwares or do we need to adapt softwares to humans? With AI, how can we distinguish Chatbot APIs from humans online? How can we make the programmable world an inclusive space and educate everyone to the possibility of owning data and technology with Open data, Open APIs, OpenAI and Open source software?
DAY 1 - December 11, 2018
8:15 AM
9:00 AM
9:15 AM
Keynote 1 : Sandeep Nain, Facebook Head of Security
9:45 AM
Keynote 2 : Paolo Malinverno, VP Research at Gartner
10:15 AM
The State of API Industry
API Design
Developer Experience
GPDR 6 Months Later/
The New Identity Stack
API Management
Digital strategy with APIs
12:15 PM
11:00 AM
11:25 AM
11:50 AM
API design, API styles and Autonomous APIs
API Documentation and Developer experience
Digital Identity, GDPR and APIs
APIs for Medias (Feedbacks from BBC, Arte TV, Social Medias APIs)
12:40 PM
The Programmable Economy
API Architecture
API Docs and Internal Dev Portals
The DevSecOPs Approach
API Lifecycle Management
Classic Industries Transformation with APIs (Insurance, Retail, Airline Manufacturer, Automotive)
3:15 PM
2:00 PM
2:25 PM
2:50 PM
API and Microservices Architecture
External Developer Portals
API Security
API Lifecycle Management
3:40 PM
5:55 PM
6:00 PM
COCKTAIL, sponsored by <vpTech>
4:15 PM
4:40 PM
5:05 PM
5:30 PM
The API Culture Shift : The Internal Transformation
API Integration and Integration Platform as a Service
Internal Developer Portals
API Monitoring
API Lifecycle Management
DAY 2 - December 12, 2018
8:15 AM
9:00 AM
APIs for a Programmable Society
The State of GraphQL
Microservice and Service Mesh
The State of OAI
Digital Maintainers
9:15 AM
9:45 AM
How API are Changing our Society
Intro to GraphQL
Intro to DevOps Culture
The State of the Open API Inititative
Who are the Maintainers?
10:15 AM
Open Models for our New Society
12:15 PM
11:00 AM
11:25 AM
11:50 AM
GraphQL Tooling
Docker and Kubernetes
Feedbacks from OpenAPI Specification in Production
Maintaining Open Source Projects
12:45 PM
Internet, Education and Digital Commons
3:15 PM
2:00 PM
2:25 PM
2:50 PM
GraphQL in Production
Microservice Architecture
3:40 PM
4:15 PM
4:40 PM
5:05 PM
5:30 PM
Decarbonize the Digital society
What's next for GraphQL?
Serverless Architecture
Wrap up and next steps
Wrap up and next steps
5:55 PM
Margaux Pelen, L'éducation à l'ère du numérique
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As we move into the API economy, there are huge opportunities for new and innovative solutions. In order to unlock value with new business models and winning experiences you need the help of an API management solution that enables automated API creation, simple discovery of assets, self-service access for developers, and built-in security and governance. IBM would like to be your partner on this journey, sharing our expertise and experiences to help maximize the value of APIs for your enterprise. More information: https://www.ibm.com/cloud/api-connect

With more than 15 years of experience developing, managing, and securing APIs, companies rely on the Akana API platform to integrate applications and databases to deliver better digital applications, improving the customer experience and positively impacting ROI.
Apigee, which is now part of Google, is the leading API platform for enterprises and developers. Hundreds of companies, including Daimler AG, PWC, Swisscom, BBC Worldwide—as well as tens of thousands of developers—use Apigee to design, secure, scale, and analyze APIs and manage the entire API lifecycle. More info: https://apigee.com/api-management/

Tyk is a leading Open Source API Gateway and Management Platform, featuring an API gateway, analytics, developer portal and dashboard.
We power millions of transactions for thousands of innovative organisations including AXA, Cisco, and Starbucks.
Fast, flexible, and highly-performant, Tyk is available to install on-premises, as a multi-cloud service, or hybrid.
More info on https://tyk.io/
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Beffroi de Montrouge
2 Place Emile Cresp, 92120 Montrouge
December 11 & 12, 2018
8:30 AM - 6:00 PM
Information will be available soon