Sustainable APIs
APIdays Initiative for more sustainable Cloud Technologies
The vision behind software eating the world and businesses transformed by the digitalization of the economy was to bring economies of scale in material, human, and energy resources. However, the digital transformation journey has been made possible by an infinite availability of digital resources: unlimited storage, unlimited funding to startups,
unlimited cloud resources, unlimited access to anything anywhere anytime.
This is where the promise is broken. An unlimited digital world based on limited physical resources could not work for ever.
“According to the Environmental Protection Agency, data centers now account for 1.5% of all electricity consumption in the U.S. and by 2020, carbon emissions will have quadrupled to 680 million tons per year, which will account for more than the aviation industry.” says Lisa Rhodes VP at Verne Global.
The unprecedented opportunities and benefits from new infrastructure, applications and data are, however, paired with new problems to solve and dilemmas to manage.
That’s why APIdays in launching this September 2019 an initiative to bring the community to re-think Cloud technologies and re-shape the vision to bring more sustainability to the IT infrastructure in a world already largely impacted by Climate Change with consequences already tangible and visible in our daily life.
Existing institutions and norms may need to be redesigned to respond effectively to the fast pace of digital change and its unfamiliar, distributed nature. The decisions made today will shape the world for future generations. Collaboration and innovation are required to shape society’s collective destiny.
APIdays is aiming at gathering the community to form a global platform for cooperation to build a digital economy that is sustainable, inclusive and trustworthy.
Mehdi Medjaoui, Chairman and Founder of APIdays
In our vision to bring more sustainability to cloud technologies, APIdays is calling key players like Google Cloud to join and support the community in a 2-month program to create and share best practices on digital sobriety and eco-design of APIs to reduce the impact on climate change from the IT industry.
The initiative kick-start in October 2019 and the participants will get the opportunity to pitch their work at APIdays Paris on December 9,10, and 11, 2019.
You are a team of developers, entrepreneurs, enterprise architects, product managers, API practitioners and IT decision makers, this program will help you gain knowledge and connect with peers on a global platform to create, share, and provide free resources and knowledge made by the community for the community.
This 2-month program will give you access to a series of workshops, webinars, and mentorships from expert in the area of eco design, cloud architecture, and development.
The program will form small teams of 4-5 persons from a diversity of expertise and drive teams to identify and implement best practices in the area of eco-design and digital sobriety. Area of work could be (list non-exhaustive):
Energy Efficiency in Cloud Architectures
Building an AI less demanding in resources
How to design & build eco-friendly digital products and services
Can we design autonomous APIs yet responsible for their environmental impact?
API management towards more sustainability
Ultimately, the outcome of the initiative is to drive the community to answer key questions and provide a platform to share best practices and resources made by the community for the community:
What are the benefits of being eco-friendly via the cloud?
Why is it important to be eco-friendly in your IT?
Can the IT have an impact on the global challenge of climate change?
Is it possible to build a more energy efficiency architecture all the while being agile and digital in today’s economy?
Can we build better infrastructures and reduce its impact to global warming?