Women in APIs
Organisations need APIs, and APIs need people to bring them to life. At apidays, just like in the wider technology industry, we recognise the importance of diversity. Diversity that meets the challenges of today’s technology environment: ethical API strategies and business models; the best engineered API solutions; and teams where everyone feels included and where their contribution is valued.
Despite our best efforts, at apidays we share diversity challenges common in the technology industry. Our speaker line-ups and participation fall short of reflecting the broader population, let alone the potential users of our solutions. We are committed to changing this, starting with our Women In APIs program. When we take a look at the variety of people that make great APIs, we see a huge community of people beyond those who design, code, and maintain APIs. People who manage projects, design business strategies, help customers succeed, found or lead businesses, direct marketplaces, run DevRel, market or evangelise APIs. People who lobby, write laws or influence public policy. From this wide population, we want to reach out to more women: to give them opportunities and encouragement to showcase their work and be more widely appreciated for their talent and contribution.
Women In APIs in 2020 is about growing the number of female speakers, panel members and attendees at apidays conferences. This includes helping new speakers to emerge, such as connecting them with mentors for bringing their API stories to life. We are also building and nurturing relationships with sponsors and other organisations who have active diversity and inclusion programs around women in technology.